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Personal Growth

  • One of those books that you wished you’d read much earlier in life, this is my go-to, highly recommended title for people struggling to find balance amidst life’s demands and relationships. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this book will bless your life tremendously.

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  • If there was one book that changed my entire future outlook of life at the age of 18, it would be this. With its genuine call to radical surrender and live all in, I’d say this is a dangerous book! Read only if you’re prepared to be arrested with purpose.

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  • Ever wished you could “get a grip” on your emotions and get unstuck to move on in life? If there ever was one book I wished they’d make for compulsory reading at school, it’d be this. If you, like me, feel emotions intensely, make this first on your reading list.

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  • As a young professional thrust into the workforce, I didn’t expect the disappointments and hardships work would bring. This book redeemed the meaning of work for me, in the ordinary humdrum of everyday life, and when things got tough. A must-read for every young professional first entering the workforce!

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  • If you, like me, have felt the pain in the waiting to be who you think you’re supposed to be, this book is for you. A gentle read, it’ll help you get started on living more wholeheartedly by embracing courage, compassion and connection. A gem I’ll keep forever.

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  • Discovering this book in my season of burnout during the COVID-19 outbreak felt like finding an oasis in a desert. All about finding the spirit of Sabbath in a busy world, this book revolutionized my perspective and approach to Sabbath. My life, now slower but more fruitful, has never been the same since.

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  • Marketed more as a self-help book to get success and happiness, I read this with skepticism initially but was moved by its clear call to adopt simple habits and practice them with commitment and consistency. Definitely a book I’d introduce to people feeling stuck in their life trajectory.

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  • A classic for anyone trying to navigate the period between dating and marriage, I highly recommend this. Multiple copies sit on my bookshelf because I give this away so often!

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  • Containing a treasure trove of great resources, Boundless helped me navigate relationships when I first met Cliff! Their podcast and articles are gems. Now, over a decade later, I am Boundless’ first international writer.

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  • As a young woman, I adored this book. In a world that tells us so many things about what a woman should and could be, this brought such personal clarity for me regarding the glorious definition of womanhood. If you, like me before, struggle with the role of a man or woman in a relationship, look no further!

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  • The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) book, workbook and video series was a lifesaver to our marriage. Stuck in several communication breakdowns, this series helped us get out of a rut in our marriage.

    What we did was to read a chapter of the EHS book a week, set aside every Sunday evening to watch a EHS or EHR video together, and then do the workbook together.

    This is definitely a resource I wished I’d discovered earlier and I’ve given it away to dozens of singles and couples!

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  • One of the first books I read while trying to learn more about navigating relationships, this book laid a much-needed foundation for my life. Relieved to have found it, I recommend this often to youth and I’d definitely introduce this early to my own daughters!

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  • Written as a book for men to discover the masculine hearts, I found this profoundly enlightening to read, even as a woman, as it unveils the strength, wildness and courage men were created to offer our world. I highly recommend singles and couples to read this his-her series. Exchange your views and thoughts while at it!

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Marriage & Parenting

  • I’ll never forget what my midwife shared with me – that I was the first woman in her 20 over years of practice who’d not asked for pain relief during labor. I attribute that to God, and Cliff, who dutifully read this transformative book and underwent training by the Bradley Method before I delivered.

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  • No one realizes how important personal maturity is until one gets married. I highly recommend all the books on the Personal Growth list, and this precious read that shares how vulnerability and authenticity can transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.

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  • While both my labors were not painless, I did have two drug-free homebirths. This book had a huge part to play in transforming my perspective of labor, and how much of a deeply spiritual experience it can be.

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  • A classic, I recommend this to any couple planning to wed. When all the fanfare of romance fades and the confetti lands, you’ll be glad that you had the foundations set by this book in your lives! Why not read it chapter by chapter, together?

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  • Reading this during my pregnancy transformed my prayer life, not just as an expecting mom, but even up to now. While the world might pummel lots of pregnancy and parenting books at you, choose this title if you only have time for one. You won’t regret it.

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  • When each of my children turned one-and-a-half, something happened- the sweet young things they once were became absolute terrors and turned our lives upside down. An absolute lifesaver for us, this book imparted truth and gave us hope. Today, the little angels are back.

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  • If you’re someone interested in missions, get your hands on this absolute delight. I savoured this night after night like a delectable dessert. Elisabeth Elliot will forever be one author who has left an indelible mark on my life.

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  • Not a book for the lukewarm, this is a book for those desperate to recognize and answer God’s call for their lives. I could read it again and again, and still be transformed every time. This is also the reason why I fell in love with Cliff, when I discovered his passion for this book.

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  • If you think there’s nothing much you can offer as a young person, wait till this rocks your boat. A story of relentless love and redemption, following Katie’s life has been an encouragement and inspiration for me, especially since we’re about the same age.

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  • More of an online ministry than a book, this is a perfect companion for women in cross-cultural service all around the world! Their online retreats have been treasure troves of delight and always marked something significant in my life.

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  • Once the honeymoon period wears off, missions can get downright hard. This book helped prepare me for hard times, to learn to serve the world in Christlike humility no matter what the cost. Other books in the same series such as “Cross-cultural Conflict” and “Cross-cultural Partnerships" are also great reads.

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  • If you’re a doctor with a missional heart that’s been broken by the system, my prayer is that this will be a balm for your soul. Incredibly therapeutic, I cried and wept through every chapter till I was made a little more whole again.

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  • If you’ve been a leader long enough, especially in faith circles, you might have faced challenges you find difficult to put to words. I love Scazzero’s work because it’s birthed from real-life difficulty. This book will help you face your shadows, heal from hurts, and embrace new beginnings.

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  • Inspired by this book on daring leadership, I bought a copy for all my team members and embarked on reading it together week by week. A transformative read, it will tear down your preconceived ideas of leadership and remould you into an authentic leader.

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  • All my life, I’d avoided this book because I thought it was another “quick-fix” title helping one to be maximally productive. Far from it, this book dives deep into the heart of relationships and helps one re-prioritize our lives to live for what truly matters. A real treat for me!

    I highly recommend their free Mission Statement Builder after you’re done with the book.

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  • Few leadership books tackle the subject of rest like this does. Here, Barton shares the gift and necessity of time away with God and made regular retreats in my life a mainstay. Every time I do this, I leave transformed.

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